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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Freebie Page

ZCS random free downloads.  Hit the 'Refresh' button to display different downloads.  Simply click on the image to display, then right-click on the image to save-image-as to your computer.  Once the image is saved to your computer you can edit or print it as much as you wish.

Shipping Container downloads; Open the files in a paint program to adjust the size of the image for 20', 40', or 48' containers.

40's Movie Poster downloads; Open the files in a paint program to adjust the size of the poster for your layout placement.

Advertising downloads; Open the files in a paint program to adjust the size of the sign for your layout placement.

Grime downloads; Open the files in a paint program to adjust the size of the grime decal for your rollingstock or building placement.  Print on clear decal paper.

Rust downloads; Open the files in a paint program to adjust the size of the rust decal for your rollingstock or building placement.  Print on clear decal paper.

Highway Billboard downloads; Open the files in a paint program to adjust the size of the highway billboard sign.  A newer billboard is typically 14 feet tall by 48 feet wide.  Posters along secondary roads are typically 10 feet tall by 22 feet wide.  But remember you can adjust the size of the billboard to fit the needs of your railroad.

Free Shipping Container #1

Cont40Matson 2
Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Advertising #1

Retrosigns 1991 27514128
Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Highway Billboard #1

Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free 40's Movie posters

Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Grime decal

DecalsTextureNo9862 Preview
Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Rust decal

Rustspots 800x1000
Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Shipping Container #2

Cont45h OPDR
Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Advertising #2

Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Free Highway Billboard #2

Wrigley's 2
Click to open. Right-click to Save-image-as to your computer

Freebie Page

Z Scale Illusion Introduction

Welcome to the first Z Scale Color Afterimage Illusion!  Since the "Just for fun??" topic is currently busy with an optical illusion, I thought I would like to add a few illusions myself.  For the color afterimage illusions I am using a couple of images from the Z Central galleries.  Below are the original photographs provided by Jurg Ruedi and Gerd.

Jurg Ruedi   Gerd

Now for the fun part!  Below are two negative images of each of the photographs.  Select one negative image and stare at it for about 30 seconds, then move the mouse cursor over the same image to reveal the black and white image? or was it color and it changed to black and white?

                                  Illusion #1                                                                                                                       Illusion #2